Watchman Willie Martin Archive



�� On Sept. 28, 2001, it was reported that archaeologists in Scotland

had discovered evidence of a massive tidal wave that swept across the

North Sea c. 5800 BC.� This tidal wave, they say, killed thousands and

caused widespread destruction on the northern coasts of Europe. This

event, they think, severed the British Isles from Europe.

�� The North Sea event is the same date as the break‑through of the

Bosphous and the flooding of the Black Sea.� In our reconstruction of

the dates of Genesis (see below), these two upheavals correspond to

time of the destruction of the Tower of Babel and the flight from Ur

of the Chaldees by Abraham's family.

�� In the Babylonian King's Lists, this is 3600 years, or one Saros

cycle, after the Flood‑‑a Nibiru 'orbital' cycle.� 'Nibiru' means the

"prophet‑planet" and is the ancient name for Mercury ("Nebo Ur") in

the Neo‑Babylonian empire, called "Adad" in Assyria. The Gilgamesh

Epic described how Adad assaulted the earth during the Deluge.� On a

3600‑year cycle between close approaches to the earth, Nibiru/Adad/

Mercury would have made another disastrous encounter around 5900 BC.

�� So the dates of the North Sea calamity and the Black Sea flood and

the revised chronology for the Tower of Babel destruction all occur

at the same time the errant Nibiru/Mercury returned to threaten the

earth.� If these events all occurred at once, the implication is that

the earth suffered a planet‑wide devastation from an extra‑terrestial

source, namely the planet Mercury, in c. 5900 BC.


�� The January 13th, 2001, SCIENCE NEWS reported a new study of the

Amazon River in Brazil, showing that a huge flood of water poured out

of the Amazon basin into the Atlantic ocean precisely at the time of

Plato's sinking of Atlantis, the same date we have determined was the

Deluge of Noah in Genesis when the Sabbatical cycle is used (as will

be explained below).

�� British scientist Mark A. Maslin and colleague Stephen J. Burns of

the University of Berne in Switzerland presented their discoveries in

the journal SCIENCE [Dec 22, 2000].� Prior to the Amazon's gushing

c. 11,800‑11,700 years ago [Plato's date: 11,600 BP; ours: 11,549 BP]

by their dating, it had discharged barely half the flow it now bears

out to the Atlantic for roughly a thousand years prior to its flooding.

Then, "for a century or so," there was a doubling of the flow, as they

found in a sediment core showing "a brief yet substantial spike" in

the data.� This "substantial spike" coincided with the sudden melting

of the Andean ice sheet, but it was far more than can be explained by

the melting alone:� A sudden, short burst of increase rain occurred

at the same time, they concluded.


�� Lawrence H. Robbins of Michigan State University and his team have

documented fishing technology in use in Africa as early as 20,000 BP.

Climatic changes across the African continent show that wet conditions

prevailed from 22,500‑to‑19,200 BP, matching our "wet" estimate based

on the revised Genesis of 23,140‑to‑17,740 BP.� They then have a "dry"

period from 19,200‑to‑17,500 BP; we date this as 17,740‑to‑16,948 BP.

These numbers may not seem the same at first glance, but C‑14 dates at

this distance into the past have a 1000‑yr error range.� Charting the

whole data set reveals how similar the results really are:


1000yrs.� . .� .� . .� .� . .� .� . .� .� . .� .� . .� .� . .� .� .� .

BP���� 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9� 8 7� 6� 5 4� 3� 2� 1 NOW


U. MI: ..wwwwwwwfww....DwSwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww���������� w

Events:� wet�� fishing� Shelter��������� IceMelts���������� ffff


(7year EwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwD� wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwF��������� Bw wD

cycles)Eden����������� Drought����������� Flood���� Babel Drought of Joseph


�� As you can see from the above comparison, the differences are well

within the range of error for C‑14 data and do not actually conflict

even without allowing for C‑14 errors.


�� Dr. Robert Schoch's new geological studies of Egyptian monuments

are likely to revolutionize our understanding of ancient history.� His

team has found evidence of weathering upon "core structures" INSIDE the

ancient masonry of the Great Pyramid and of many other early Egyptian

edifices.� What he has found proves that many of the structures we now

see in Egypt were constructed on top of other, more ancient structures

which had lain exposed to the elements for THOUSANDS OF YEARS prior to

their being covered up by the pyramids of the Old Kingdom.

�� This implies a radical revision of the history of Egypt. It

�� means an advanced Egyptian culture‑‑the one that originally

�� LOCATED these old structures, that aligned them with great

�� precision to "true north," and that positioned them around

�� hundreds of square miles of Egyptian desert to mirror the

�� astrological sign of Orion‑‑had existed THOUSANDS OF YEARS

�� BEFORE THE OLD KINGDOM, which Egyptologists date to 2500 BC.

�� Ancient Sumerian civilation's earliest written tablets [which are

nothing but agricultural commodity tokens] date to 3300 BC.� The new

findings by Schoch push the high culture of Egypt back to AT LEAST

5000‑7000 BC‑‑vastly older than Sumer. This earlier Egytian culture

literally leaves the supposedly "ancient" civilization of Sumer in

the dust...

�� The true date of Egypt may be far older, Schoch says.� He indicates

that the civilation that laid out these grand monuments so precisely

would have alread had a long devleopment time before planning this huge

complex of pyramids.� Moreover, he feels his weathering estimates could

be underestimating the time involved.

�� There is yet another reason for dating this early Egyptian culture

older even than Schoch suspects.� Several scholars over the past fifty

years have argued that the date for the Egyptian Old Kingdom‑‑from which

Schoch's dates are extended back in time‑‑could be off by centuries,

or even millennia.

�� We ourselves have suggested the date of the Old Kingdom may be too

"young" by 1500‑2000 years.� In 1983, carbon‑14 studies of the Great

Pyramid of Giza showed it to be 200‑1200 years older than its supposed

date of construction during the Old Kingdom. That meant it might have

been built as early as 3750 BC.� But since Egyptologists reject tree‑

ring dating (because it pushes their already faulty dates even further

out of alignment), the tree‑ring adjusted date of the Great Pyramid may

be older than 4000 BC.

�� Adjusting Dr. Schoch's recent weathering measurements from the base

structure inside the Pyramid‑‑by adding at least another 1500 years to

its age‑‑we obtain a total date range of 8500‑6500 BC for the original

construction and LOCATING of the Great Pyramid.� So it was apparently

sited by the Egyptian civilization mentioned in Plato's discussion of

Atlantis, where Egypt is "re‑founded" 1000 years after the sinking of

Atlantis in 9600 BC.� We now can tie Plato's history to solid rock in

Egypt, with a major part of his story being confirmed: There truly was

an advanced Egyptian civilization founded around 8500 BC. Climatologist

Dr. Cesare Emiliani confirmed in 1973 that Plato's flood date was sound.

Emiliani discovered evidence in sea‑core sediments for a sudden global

sea‑level rise of c.325 feet around 9600 BC(+/‑70yrs)‑‑Plato's date for

the sinking of Atlantis.� Emiliani's data proves that, if Atlantis were

real, then it would indeed have been flooded by the ocean at the very

time Plato stated.� Plato either relied on genuine history or he made

an astonishingly lucky guess: Within a century of the exact date over

a period of nearly 10,000 years: 99% perfect.

�� Not only do we now have the dating of Atlantis becoming more credible,

but so is our c. 4000 BC+ dating for the Old Kingdom.� In the summer

of 1999, German climatologists confirmed that Egypt and the Middle East

had endured a sudden great drought and famine in the 4500‑4000 BC time

period. This date ties in perfectly with the new tree‑ring calibrated

carbon‑14 date of the Great Pyramid and, accordingly, its Old Kingdom

great famine in the days of the man who is credited with the Pyramid's

design, Imhotep.

�� All this brings us to Manetho, whose chronology of Egypt(c.280 BC)

Egyptologists have claimed to use.� But Manetho says "70 kings ruled

for 70 DAYS" after the Old Kingdom. Egyptologists have ignored this

period in Manetho's history as if it never happened. Their excuse for

ignoring these 70 kings is that Manetho only accords them "70 DAYS."

�� But in the ancient world a "DAY" could be a person's life, and the

phrase "70 DAYS" could mean "70 GENERATIONS."� Therefore, it signifies

a potentially vast time in which "70 kings" ruled.� Using various ways

of calculating a typical king's rule, the period of these "70 kings"

might extend anywhere from 1000 to 3000 years. Thus, Manetho's kings

list implies that the Old Kingdom flourished some 1000‑3000 years or

so EARLIER than the 2500 BC epoch now assumed.� No wonder the carbon

dates don't fit!� And Dr. Schoch's findings push the preceding age in

Egypt back another 3000 years.


�� None of this comes as a surprise to those of us who have argued for

the "Sabbatical Cycle" reading of Genesis.� Although many people have

assumed Genesis "years" are 360‑day years, the Hebrew word rendered

"year" literally means "cycle of time" and is translated in the KJV as

"day" or "month" or "year" or "generation" or "age" or whatever cycle

might be implied.� In Genesis, one cycle mentioned repeatedly is the

7‑year Sabbatical Cycle.� If we apply this to the Genesis chronology,

the Biblical version of events lines up perfectly with the expanse of

ancient history uncovered by Schoch and the other scientists.

�� Plato's date for Atlantis sinking and the geologic evidence for a

sudden rise in global sea‑level match the Deluge of Noah perfectly.

The new evidence for the rise of ancient Egypt matches what Genesis

says about Egypt's founding after the Flood and what Plato said.� We

have Joseph's great famine matching perfectly with the one found by

German scientists in 1999.

�� Even the pre‑flood era lines up beautifully with carbon‑14 dating

of the rise of modern man, the first use of agriculture, early art

and invention, and other details that match Genesis exactly.

�� At a stroke the Bible and ancient history fall into alignment with

the evidence of science and archaeology.� We have been arguing for the

revision of ancient history for over two decades, especially as it is

related to the dating of Genesis. [The number of new confirmations of

our reconstruction is amazing, and we will have more to say on this in

the days and months to come.]


�� On November 10, 2000, the journal SCIENCE published a study by 13

scientists from Stanford University in California and Europe claiming

that y‑chromosome DNA from 1,007 men living in 25 locales in Europe

"confirms" the idea that modern man entered Europe 40,000 years ago BP,

hunting and gathering, retreated before the glaciers 24,000 BP, revived

16,000 BP "after the ice‑age," and were joined by an influx of "farmers"

from the Mideast about 8,000 BP.� Although the study may at first seem

impressive, it is largely nonsense.� DNA cannot tell anything about the

hunting or farming activities of either peoples or individuals.� It can

tell us about cattle or crops only if the DNA comes from cattle or crops

and not from human beings.

�� The absurd attempt to identify 16,000 BP with the end of the last

ice‑age cannot go unchallenged.� All the global and oceanic data show

that this was the COLDEST period of the ice‑age, not a warm epoch.

�� Moreover, the introduction of "Mideast DNA" is historically known to

have taken place between 1,000 and 3,500 years ago‑‑a fact that is so

firmly established as to be beyond dispute.� The Phoenicians and Jewish

people‑‑to say nothing of Arabic invasions‑‑arrived in Europe during the

past 3,500 years in large numbers.� The study says one‑fifth of the DNA

comes from the Mideast, which is in excellent agreement with the record

of history.� To ignore this well‑documented influx as if it had never

occurred, while substituting an unknown and undocumented influx 8,000

years ago, is extremely suspect.� It is likely that the average of this

DNA is a bit older than 2,000 years.

�� A more obvious explanation for the DNA results is that the "clock"

being used to "date" the DNA shifts is in error by a factor of roughly

four‑fold.� Such "clocks" are based upon two unproven assumptions:

�� 1) That the rate of mutation remains the same.� This assumes there

����� are no outside factors, such as exposure to radiation or toxins,

����� that affect mutations of DNA.� This is certainly false.

�� 2) That the time between generations is constant and averages some

����� fixed period, such as 20 or 30 years.� This assumes a cultural

����� consistency that is most unlikely.� It also ignores the effects

����� of gene deterioration in the semen of older men, which could have

����� a significant impact upon mutation/generation rates.

�� It is obvious that the "clock" being used can be off by substantial

amounts of time under various assumptions about mutation rates and the

number of years between generations.� For example, if one assumes that

mutations occur every 50 generations and that 20 years elapse between

each generation, then mutations occur every 1,000 years.� On the other

hand, if mutations occur every 25 generations and only 13 years elapse

between generations, then mutations occur every 325 years.� The second

"clock" is more than three times as fast as the first. Hence, the date

of an event in the genetic history of the first clock will be assumed

to have occurred over three times farther back in time than if one were

to use the second genetic clock.

�� So it would not be at all surprising if the "clock" used in this new

study were to prove too slow, yielding dates far too old. �But we are

not without a way to calibrate this clock. As we have noted, the Jewish

and Phoenician immigrations into Europe are well‑established and dated

by history.� Using this solid ground, we can identify the Mideast DNA

in the study with a c.2,200(+/‑1200 yrs)BP influx of known size and

chronological range. If correct, then the dates in the study MIGHT be

uniformly "old" by a factor of about 100:27.

�� Based upon this assumption, we can "recalibrate" the clock and the

dates as follows:




40,000 BP������� 10,800 BP�������� End of last Ice Age (post‑Deluge)

�� ��������������������������������"First major influx into Europe"


24,000 BP�������� 6,480 BP�������� Great Famine of Joseph

��������������������������������� "Retreat into three warm enclaves"


16,000 BP�������� 4,320 BP�������� Revival of European settlements

��������������������������������� "Resettlement of Europe"


�8,000 BP�������� 2,160 BP�������� Average era of known Mideast influx

���������������������������������� "New DNA strain from Mideast"


�� As we can easily see, this recalibrated timetable fits beautifully

into the known record of European settlement since the ice‑age, while

the proposed Stanford "clock" creates major conflicts with the dating

of the ice‑age and historical migrations.� The Stanford model fails to

explain the "absence" of Jewish, Arabic, and Phoenician (ie Roman) and

other known recent DNA contributions in European genes.� These modern

Mideast DNA contributions should be prominent in the Stanford data, or

certainly easy to detect, yet their model supposedly found no trace of

a recent influx.� It is as if the Jews had no diaspora and the Arabs had

never invaded Europe.� The Roman claim of Phoenician ancestry would be

false, and all those old European ports with Phoenician names must be

figments of everyone's imagination.

�� Yet if we simply accept the obvious fact that the DNA evidence for

a Mideast influx into Europe matches the known history of Europe, we

have no problem dating this DNA to fairly "recent" times, that is, to

the period from the Exodus era down to the Arab invasions.

�� Once that adjustment is made, all the other DNA dates quickly fall

into place.� The ice‑age ends where it should.� The retreat from parts

of Europe matches the sudden climatic shift of Joseph's famine which

German scientists have now confirmed.� The resettlement of Europe also

ties in nicely with such events as the creation of Stonehenge.

�� And all of these dates agree precisely with the long chronology of

Genesis.� The time is approaching when we shall be able to reconstruct

a reasonably detailed history of the past 25,000 years.� We are seeing

a major transformation of our understanding of the so‑called stone age

and its absurd "cave‑man" imagery. We now know these people wore real

clothing, built houses and towns, engaged in agriculture, made vessels

to sail the sea in, played music, painted, and probably had language.

�� They were, after all, our parents...




��������������� (Copyright 2000, by Hage Productions)



Date������� Event������������������� Citation������� Scientific Status


24,000 BP�� Pre‑Adamic Flooding (Gen 1:2,6‑7,9‑10)���� CONFIRMED*1

����������� ADAM'S ANCESTORS AT PETRA (Gen 2:15,24;3:23)


23,000 BP�� Adam & Eve appear������� (Gen 2‑3)�������� CONFIRMED*2

����������� AGE OF ADAM & SETH


18,000 BP�� Famine of Cain� (Gen 4, Jasher 2:7, EL*3)� CONFIRMED*3



12,000 BP�� Giants Rule��������� (Gen 6, Josephus) ����CONFIRMED*4


11,600 BP�� Deluge/Atlantis Sinks (Gen 6‑8, Plato*5)�� CONFIRMED*5

����������� THE GREAT FLOOD


10,550 BP�� Egypt Re‑founded������ (Gen 10, Plato*6)�� CONFIRMED*6

����������� AGE OF NOAH


�8,000 BP� Tower of Babel, Sodom��� (Gen 11‑19)������ CONFIRMED*7



�6,500 BP� Israelites into Egypt���� (Gen 41‑47)����� CONFIRMED*8



�6,300 BP� Joseph's Tomb������������� (Gen 50)������� CONFIRMED*9



�3,500 BP� Exodus��������������������� (Ex 12)������ �CONFIRMED*10


����������� (Beginning of great Mideast dispersions)



1*Milankovitch Cycles of planetary orbital changes and earth tilt show

� a climatic change c.24,000 BP (Before Present).

2*Mitochondrial DNA divergence studies show that if two people began

� the human race, their DNA began to be passed down c.23,000 BP.

3*Earliest Egyptian grains C‑14 dated to c.18,000 BP, in the Fayyum,

� the very time and place cited in Egyptian literature as when Osiris

� came to Egypt and taught them to plant grain for the first time at

� at time when the Egyptians had descended into cannibalism due to a

� severed famine.� Data from U. Mich. (see above story) confirms that

� Africa was in a drought cycle at this time.

4*Skeletons of humans all over the world average a full 10" taller in

� the pre‑9600 BC period than in the post‑8500 BC era.� Some individual

� skeletons are even larger.� Josephus and ancient pagan authors agreed

� with Genesis 6 that giants or "Titans" had ruled before the Flood.

5*The revised Biblical Flood date (based upon using Sabbatical cycles

� of 7 years each) matches perfectly with Plato's "TIMAEUS" dialogue,

� in which the Flood came "9000 years" before Solon (c.600 BC). Data

� from Amazon study, Emiliani, and ice‑cores match flood to 11,700 BP.

6*New DNA studies place a sudden influx of modern man into Europe at

� 40,000 years BP, but we believe this date will eventually be seen to

� be four times too old, and will confirm the c.10,000 BP post‑flood

� descriptions of Plato & the Bible & archaeological signs of farming.

7*Bob Ballard & National Geographic have found evidence of massive rise

� in level of Black Sea about this time, implying geological upheavals.

� 5500 BC known to be sudden increase in rainfall in Turkey and Africa.

� Sept 28, 2001: Scottish archaeologists document vast tidal wave hit

� Scotland and northern Europe; Britian becomes an island; c. 5800 BC.

8*New DNA studies say that mankind suddenly retreated into 3 areas of

� Europe at this time [as adjusted, see above], signifying huge climate

� changes. German scientists find vast drought swept Mideast 6,000 BP.

� Thera volcano in massive eruption at this date. Arctic Ocean ice‑free.

9*Studies of Old Kingdom at Sakarra show proof of 7‑year famine and the

� prior knowledge of Imhotep(Joseph), massive grain storage.� Text at

� Elephantine in Ptolemaic times claims same thing.

10*Velikovsky produced extensive documentation of plagues of Exodus in

� several books.� Confirmation of unstable orbits of Mars and Mercury

� published in July, 1994. Further confirmation in 1999. Mars water data

� {2001‑2002) prove it must have been in different orbit fairly recently.



��� Back to news page.


��� What the Nephilim do for food & entertainment


��� Where it all began.


��� Cain: The Early Years (with link to Egypt)


��� Lilith

Reference Materials